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Dreams to Reality:
with Carrie Dahle 

From Feeling Lost and Aimless to Having Clarity and Living Intentionally

I spent my childhood living what most would call a blessed life. Although that always seemed odd to me since my story differed from one made for tv or the movies. My parents divorced when I was just six years old, and I began doing the back-and-forth thing between fighting parents, a stress that weighs on any kid. But after a couple of years of constant shuffling between homes, I eventually found myself living full-time with my mom and in the town I belong and love more than any other place I have lived. 


We weren't rich, and we weren't poor. And my mom always made the best out of things. I never knew when there wasn't a lot because she made every event, holiday, and nightly dinner special. For the most part, everything we did was filled with joy and excitement. Although that was such a staple in my childhood, I wouldn't understand for many years to come how that joy and excitement had such a massive impact on how my life would go. 


From the outside, it would appear that I had everything I ever wanted, especially by the time I got to high school. I had great friends, I had the perfect boyfriend, I got the "dream" car I had wanted, and I would hear things like, "You are so lucky," "You are just blessed," and "You always seem to will what you want" For a long time I agreed with everyone who said that. And then life changed for me!


The Spiral of Negativity in My Life


I wasn't quite 20 years old, and that perfect boyfriend and I split up after being together for over five years. I was devastated. I spent days not wanting to get out of bed and barely ate. And instead of living in joy and excitement every day, I was living in sadness and despair. I expected everything to be bad. And unknowingly, everything was turning out terrible all because of me and my thoughts! My dream car broke down, I was working all the time to make ends meet, and most of all, I was just miserable. 


One day I got this great idea and decided to solve all my problems and run away to a new place because changing my location would fix everything, right? I found myself in Hawaii, where the sun shines and life should be full of joy and light. Of all places, you would think that the magical island of Maui would snap me out of my funk, but instead, I found myself lonely. And lonely is a tough place to be when you are already struggling with being happy. 


I quickly went from unhappy to completely depressed, and that is when I really dove into the sadness. I married a man I barely knew and had no real feelings for. Why? Because all my friends were getting married, and I was once happy in a good relationship, it made sense that I would again be happy if I were in a relationship. Let's say this was not the solution without going into that story. So then I jumped to the next fulfilling idea and had a baby. Now while my first son brought me and still brings me a joy that is beyond measure, true happiness doesn't come from others. Only I could change my trajectory and bring happiness, joy, and excitement back into my life! But I still had a while before I would understand I was the only one who could change how I felt. Eventually, I had another baby with the same thought that this would finally make me happy, and again, he blessed my life beyond belief, but here I was with a lack of excitement, joy, and luster for my life. Making it incredibly hard to thrive!


Realizing I was in Control


Not long after my second son was born, I realized that if I wanted to be happy, I needed to take happiness into my own hands. And so I started taking care of myself. I was working out daily, painting, dancing to music, and just beginning to return to the person I had lost all those years before. Sure, I had learned a lot over the years, and I would never be the same as I was when I was young. But also, that girl who was incredibly blessed, lucky, and willed what she wanted was still inside me. Once I got a glimpse of the joy in who I could be again, that motivated me, and I began to make changes. I got out of that marriage as it wasn't good for either of us. I started looking to myself for happiness and not to others. I found joy in my children. I didn't worry. Even though I was a single mom with a small income, I just trusted all would be ok. And just like that, everything started to change for the better. All was not only ok but better than ok. 


How Quickly Life Changes when You have Clarity and Live Intentionally


Then one day, I ran into my first love, that perfect high school boyfriend. He, too, had had a similar experience during our years apart. We found ourselves back where we had left off but in a new and much more mature way. Now we were communicating and bonding over life lessons. We quickly found ourselves falling back in love. Within a couple of years, we married and blended our now family of six. As you can imagine, there were a lot of growing pains, but we did most of it with joy, gratitude, and happiness, and we watched as our lives expanded and became more and more abundant. We were living our best lives every moment, no matter the circumstance. We were happy. To those on the outside, they again would say I was blessed, lucky, or able to will my way. But I say no, I was now living in a positive high vibration and manifesting the things I want in life versus the years before where I manifested the negative. 


We have been married for 14 years and raised our four beautiful children. And we are just as happy, if not happier, than ever. A lot of wisdom has been gained. But the most important thing I have learned is no, I am not lucky, nor blessed, nor do I will things into my life. What I do is manifest, and I have manifested the life of my dreams! 


You Can Do it To!!!


Now I want to share how you, too, can take control and use the tools I provide in the Thrive Mindset to manifest the life of your dreams. It is neither woo-woo nor magic, but it is a mindset and a way of life. And it starts here with Dreams to Reality: with Carrie Dahle. 


Join me once a month in an online meet-up where I will coach you toward manifesting the life of your dreams. I will provide tips, tools, and support to manifest your dreams into reality. 



And remember, I believe in you, and you can manifest the life of your dreams!




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