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Creating Habits to Manifest Your Dreams

Writer's picture: Carrie DahleCarrie Dahle

Updated: May 2, 2023


H is for Habits, and your habits say everything about you. It may sound over the top but think about that statement for a minute. Close your eyes and think about someone, anyone that you know well. What habits do they have? Does that person meditate daily? Do they journal? Do they exercise? Those first habits that come to mind most likely tell you what that person is working towards and who they want to be!

Now ask yourself, what habits would other people say I have? Is that list consultant with what you say you are committed to doing? I want to ensure you are not saying one thing and then doing another. Align your habits and actions with what you are saying. Strive to build habits that support your goals.

So much of what we do every day is done subconsciously. To succeed and manifest our dreams, we must have good habits. But building habits is a challenge. Unless you know “your why,” have a plan, and make it realistic.

Your Why

We have discussed setting your intention for the year and finding your why behind it. Now, let’s talk about supporting that goal with good habits. When you are deciding to tackle taking on forming a new habit, take the time to align it with “your why.” You have already committed to your goal and have figured out why you are doing it. Now, what will this habit do for you in support of that dream? For example, I know that gratitude and being thankful is the quickest way to raise my vibration and draw more positive energy to me. And if I want to manifest my dream life, the more positivity I have, the faster those things will come my way! Knowing this and deciding to create a habit of daily gratitude then aligns with my goal and “my why” – making it a whole lot easier to stick to forming the habit.

Action Plan

To create a new habit, you must take action toward it daily, which means you must have a plan. You can’t just say, “I am going to do…” and not plan when and how you will do it. Take gratitude, for example. Sure, I would love to say I am grateful for everything happening in the moment. And I would love to say even more that I would do this without thinking about it. But the reality is, if you or I want to start a gratitude practice, I need to have a plan. I need to buy a journal to write down what I am grateful for daily. Then I need to set it next to the chair I sit in while drinking my morning coffee. And if that isn’t enough motivation, then maybe I should set an alarm reminding me to write down ten things I am grateful for from yesterday. Whatever the habit you are trying to form, have an action plan so that you are set up for success!

Ask Yourself, "Is this Realistic?"

Okay, so one more thing before you start tackling the formation of this new habit, is it realistic? Be honest with yourself. Can you commit to this habit, or are you just being wishful? And if you set the bar too high, can you adjust it to be realistic? Exercise is the habit that comes to mind for me. I am sure I am not the only one, but I always intend to exercise daily, and I wish that committing to an hour every day was realistic for me. As much as I know how great it is for my health, I can’t mentally wrap my mind around either getting up earlier or taking an hour every day to do it. So, I have to be realistic. How much time can I commit? And what qualifies as exercise? Thirty minutes is what I have committed to, and it works. Sometimes it is more, but it is never less. Plus, I allow for any movement to count. A walk, riding my bike to the market, dancing, really whatever feels good that day. 

I have shared my daily habits in THRIVE (Thankful, Habits, Reflection, Inspiration, Visualization, and Exercise), which are like being on auto-pilot for me. If I didn’t do these six habits every single day, I would feel off and lost. They are part of my morning, afternoon, and evening. And they are the habits that, time and time again, support me in manifesting the life of my dreams!

One final thought, it’s a commitment to start a new habit, so choose wisely. If you are looking to follow along with the Thrive Mindset and you are being realistic and know that you can only commit to one new habit, choose to be thankful and have a gratitude practice. It really is the one that will get you closer to manifesting your dreams the fastest!

And remember, I believe in you. You can manifest the life of your dreams!



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