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Daily Reflection

Updated: May 2, 2023


During the first episode of the Thrive Mindset Podcast, Jeff and I talked a lot about Reflection and its impact on our lives. But today, I want to talk about not just doing an annual reflection but instead having a daily reflection practice. 

No matter where you look, you can find lists of habits that successful people practice. Interestingly there is one habit that is not regularly recognized, which is surprising because it is the one that all of the extremely exceptional people do; Reflection.

The practice is all about learning and looking back on the day (without regret) to enable you to move forward more productively. It requires looking within and being totally honest and transparent. You have to ask yourself, what did I do well today? What didn’t I do so well, and how can I be better tomorrow? If you want to be successful and manifest the life of your dreams, you have to be able to reflect on your past and then take action to move toward your future. 

To get its full benefits, you must make Reflection a habit. But it’s more complex, taking a deeper dive into the questions above.

Best Thing that Happened Today

So, what should you reflect upon? First, I don’t believe in approaching this with any negativity. Remember that your energy is a magnet to equal energy. So, negativity is not going to help; it is just going to bring you more negativity. With that in mind, I start by acknowledging the best thing that happened to me that day. Writing down something as simple as I gained ten new followers can put me in a positive mindset and prepare me to reflect positively and move forward toward my dreams.

What Did I Do Today that I am Proud of?

Next, sticking with the positive, I list the things I did during the day that I am proud of. Typically, this list focuses more on what moved me closer to my goals and dreams. However, some days I struggle with finding my successes, which is when I write down things that I simply can be glad I did. Maybe I drank my water goal. Or I did the one thing I said I would do, my non-negotiable. 

What Didn't I Do So Well?

While writing out the list of things I am proud of, it is pretty hard not to think about the things I didn’t do as well. Not because I am not proud of what I did, but because when reflecting on my day, I will think of the things that I didn’t do as well. And now, it is time to list those. As I write them out, I do not regret it, but instead, I ask myself why I struggled in those areas. What about me, or the day made these events less successful? Being totally honest is the challenge. Not to say that we don’t all strive to be able to self-reflect, but it is not easy. It takes being able to recognize our weaknesses and learn how to change. 

How Do I Change?

Lastly, I reflect on how I will change so that tomorrow and moving forward, I can be better and achieve my goals and dreams. Self-reflection is the challenging part and the part where you dig deep and look hard at yourself and your actions. Then find a way to adjust and change so that you can move forward productively. When it is hard, and you are frustrated,  remember, if it doesn’t challenge you, it won’t change you!

I have created a Reflection Journal to help you grow this habit and get you started on the practice. It will assist you with the questions, but you have to be the one to take that deeper dive and create some forward movement in your life. 

I believe in you. If you do the work, you will see success and manifest the life of your dreams!

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