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Habits to Thrive

Updated: May 2, 2023


Many people wonder how they can manifest the life of their dreams and become highly successful. The ironic thing, they already have all the tools they need to achieve the success they desire. 

There is one thing that both highly successful people and those who manifest have in common, and that is their habits. Research shows that 95% of a person’s behaviors are based on good and bad habits. Therefore, manifesters and successful people must exhibit good habits. 

When you create good habits and a positive mindset, you set yourself up to manifest the successful life you want. 

The Thrive Mindset is designed to give you the building blocks of good habits. I have found massive success in my life by practicing these daily. 


I have shared with you repeatedly that gratitude work is the fastest way to raise your vibration. And when we are talking about being thankful and using this to propel our success with manifestation, then thankfulness must be the first habit you master. 

I have a gratitude practice that I do every morning. It starts with listening to a gratitude meditation, and then I journal. My journaling is very specific. It begins by defining the one big thing I am manifesting this year. It’s my “This is the Year…” also known as goal setting. Then after I write that at the top and set my intention for where I am headed, I list out ten things that I am grateful for from the day before or that morning. Next, I list ten things I am currently working on manifesting that get me closer to my one big goal. And lastly, I list out my Learn, Love, and Launch for the day. More on the three L’s in another post.   


Although habits are not necessarily a habit in itself, it is the idea that you are self-disciplined. You will see more success when you take the time to develop the Thrive Mindset habits and build other good habits. Focus on habits that are result driven and get you closer to the one big goal that you are manifesting. 


I love the habit of reflecting on your day. Daily reflection is newer to me than the rest, but it has pushed me, and I have seen even more results with my manifestation practice. In the past, I reflected every few months, which was good, but doing it daily has challenged me and made me adjust my actions faster, creating more results. 

Every evening as I am winding down my day, I reflect and note the best thing that happened to me that day and what I accomplished that makes me proud. Then I am honest with myself and ask what I didn’t do so well and how I can do better tomorrow. All of these things challenge you to grow. And growth and challenge are what change you for the better!


I enjoy the habit of finding something that inspires me. No matter how much a person knows or how great a person they are, they can always look to others to learn. But what taking time to be inspired does for you is it gives you ideas. Inspiration energizes you and reminds you of where you are heading. Like gratitude, that positive energy raises your vibration and draws more of that energy to you. All things that will assist you in manifesting the life of your dreams.

I gravitate towards podcasts and books to find my inspiration. I enjoy reading and listening to podcasts, but you can find inspiration anywhere. I suggest you find something you can read or listen to that you find inspiration from every day. Just 15 minutes of your day!


Visualization is a habit that increases your manifesting abilities. Remember, when manifesting, you need to be clear on what you want and deserve, and visualizing what that looks like helps. Add that to doing it regularly during the day, and that vision will be yours in no time. 

I am a dreamer, so visualization comes easily for me. As I do my gratitude practice each morning and write the ten things I am working on manifesting, I can easily visualize them as I write. I see a picture of what those dreams look like; it is as real as if it has already happened. But I do something a little different when I want to up my manifesting power. I take each of those ten items and write a note card that details what that would look like when I have that in my life. I write enough detail so that when I read those cards (which I do multiple times per day), I can picture that exact description. 


Everyone knows that exercise is good for you. Exercise is not only good for your health, but it is also good for your mental health. Your psychological and physical well-being is so essential. Regarding your mental health, I want to say that it can clear your mind, rid you of irritation, and keep that energy you are putting out positive. And when you exercise regularly, you are taking care of the most essential tool for your success, YOU!

That said, I get bored with exercise and can only stick to the same routine for a short time. Sometimes I like to run, and sometimes I prefer Yoga or Pilates. My desire for exercise is constantly changing. And that is ok, and it is ok if it changes daily. I would suggest that no matter what it is you like that, you do it for at least 30 minutes every day. And by exercise, I mean anything active; Walking, running, dancing, weightlifting, swimming, yoga, or whatever you enjoy and gets your body moving. 

Habits take time to build, so take this one day at a time and work to grow your good habits. By doing so, you will succeed at your goals and manifest the life you have been dreaming of!

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