Inspired Individuals are functioning at a level where they create more and have a higher impact on their goals and dreams. An inspired person views problems from different perspectives, making them more successful in their lives and businesses. But what does it even mean to be inspired? defines inspired as: aroused, animated, or imbued with the spirit to do something, by or as if by supernatural or divine influence. Think about that for a minute. If you are inspired, you are aroused with the spirit to do something, which is pretty powerful.
So what does it look like to add daily Inspiration to your life, and how do you use that to propel yourself forward and manifest the life of your dreams?
Find a Great Book to Read
Just like I love to write and journal, I love reading. My go-to for Inspiration often comes from reading a good book. It is usual for me to be reading multiple books at one time, some nonfiction and some fiction. But in the mornings, after I have meditated and done my gratitude work, I will open one of the books I am reading a read a few pages to find my Inspiration for the day.
Discover "Your Why" and Find Your Higher Purpose
Do you know "your why" behind the one big goal you have this year? If not, you need to figure that out ASAP! Your Why is everything. It keeps you going and focused on where you are heading with a purpose. And in many cases, it means you have done some soul-searching and found your higher purpose, which is your why. If you don't have your why or higher purpose, now is the time to search for it and use it as your time to seek Inspiration. Start exploring. It will be revealed to you.
Seek Out Alternate Perspectives and Ideas
It is easy to fall into a pattern of seeking out friends and content we consume that aligns with our own thought patterns. But you have to explore other ideas and perspectives to grow. At the very least, it makes you more rounded and able to defend your beliefs with factual info and a solid defense.
Watch Inspirational Videos or Listen to Podcasts
When I am not in the mood to read, podcasts and videos are where I turn for Inspiration. There are so many great shows out there and quick videos with inspirational talks. Just quickly search online, and you will find something inspiring.
Use Affirmation Cards
I absolutely love affirmation cards and use them every day. I have a deck that I shuffle up and choose a card from each day. It never fails that the words on the card are exactly what I need to hear that day. Then I place it in its little stand, and as I work at my desk, I read it throughout the day for Inspiration.
Meditate/Sit still and Ask the Universe
Meditation is a really great way to get yourself centered and open to seeing what Inspiration the Universe wants to provide. But not everyone is into meditation. So for those who aren't, I suggest you just sit still and remain open-minded as you go through your day. If you pay attention to the things that come your way, you will likely see the Inspiration that the Universe is sending your way.
If You are at a Loss Where to Turn for Inspiration, Ask for it
On occasion, I have found that even when I am sitting still or meditating, I still am not finding the Inspiration I am looking for. In these instances, I ask for it. Literally, I say the words out loud and ask for the Universe to bring them my way. It may sound a little woo-woo to you, but it works!
Use Gratitude to Train Your Brain to look for Inspiration
By now, we all know how much I love gratitude and how powerful I think it is. Another benefit of having a daily gratitude practice is that you are actually training your brain to look for the good and find Inspiration in your day. The simple act of reflecting on the day before and writing down all the things you are thankful for creates a habit where you are actually looking for those things during the present day, which are often inspiring moments.
Look for Inspiration to Support Your Daily Intention
We haven't talked about having a daily intention yet, but I hope you all know what setting your intention is. If not, I promise to go over that soon. But in the meantime, if you are looking for some daily inspiration, search online for something that supports your intention for the day. It will provide you with some great inspirational sources and keep your focus on your intention, which is very important.