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Manifest with Intention

Updated: May 2, 2023

Manifesting and the Law of Attraction have been around for a long time. However, it has become much more mainstream these past few years. But I have a feeling most of you don’t realize that there is a vast difference between manifesting intentionally and manifesting unintentionally. You see, you are always manifesting. And what you want to be doing is manifesting with intention. 

For years I was drawing things into my life, both good and bad, and I had no idea I was actually in control. Then one day, I read somewhere that life doesn’t happen to you, it happens for you, and it just clicked. The energy I was putting into the universe caused things to happen one way or another, and I could absolutely control what I put into the world. 

Here is an easy example, have you ever woken up, crawled out of bed, and accidentally stubbed your toe? You are immediately upset, and the energy you are putting out is negative. Then you head to the kitchen and pour a cup of coffee, where you then burn your tongue. At this point, you have decided that you “got up on the wrong side of the bed” today and that your day will be full of junk. And guess what? It turns out that way. Now imagine a day like your birthday when you think this will be the best day ever! You are happy and thankful, and everything seems to be going perfectly. And you know why? Because you are on that vibration with the universe, and it is reciprocating. 

It sounds a little crazy to someone who doesn’t believe in manifestation, but I swear it is real. I believe that anyone can manifest the life they want. Sure, I understand there are different lives, situations, and privileges. I get that not everyone has an equal life nor equal opportunity. But that doesn’t mean they can’t manifest good in their world. This is a total mindset, and not everyone gets it, but once you do, you do!

So what do you do when you put off a negative vibe and unintentionally draw more negativity? You can do many things, but the quickest way to raise your vibration is to do it with gratitude work and being thankful. It is tough to be negative when you are being grateful. If you don’t already have a gratitude practice, check out 4 Ways to Express Gratitude or Use Gratitude to Manifest Your Dreams for some suggestions. 

Try it for a week. You will see the difference in your life, mood, and opportunities the universe presents. Everything will begin to shift. And then, you will begin to believe and start intentionally manifesting. Little by little, you will manifest the life of your dreams!

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