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Vision Casting a Tool Every Manifester Needs

Today, we kick off with a practice that has consistently sparked inspiration and change. It's a personal favorite of mine, a ritual I revisit multiple times a year to keep my vision sharp and unwavering.

Have you heard of Vision Casting?

I have always been a dreamer, and visualized my future without ever really thinking about it. But in 2020 I embarked on a journey of casting a vision for my life. At that point, I had set lots of goals in my life and being the competitor that I am, I would accomplish my goals. But, what I was lacking was setting goals and dreams that fulfilled me. Casting a vision wasn't just about imagining a future—it was about creating one. It's a powerful way to crystallize who you aspire to be and where you see yourself in the grand scope of life.

Step One: Let Your Dreams Take Flight

Begin with the dream—the vivid, breathtaking vision of your best self, ask your self the questions:

  • How does she look and feel?

  • What does she wear?

  • How does she nourish her body and mind?

  • What fills her days?

  • What brings her joy?

  • Does she embrace certain hobbies?

  • Does she reside in her dream home, and is there a place she escapes to for reenergize?

  • Who are the cherished souls she surrounds herself with?

Lay out the details, leave no stone unturned and write it all down.

Step Two: Organize Your Dreams

Number your dreams in order of belief. Meaning, when you look at everything your dream of, which one do you believe you will accomplish the most, and list it as number 1. Then move to the next and make it 2, and so on. The reason it is important to do this, is it takes belief in order to manifest your dreams. As you work on manifesting these dreams, and the more times you see yourself accomplish your goals, the stronger your belief grows. And the stronger your belief is the faster you get at manifesting your dreams! So number them, and start to believe.

Step Three: Write it all out!

Now take each of your dreams and write them down in detail. Personally I like to write it all out in a journal. But, then I go back and write out one note card for each dream that I keep in my gratitude journal. I read through the note cards every day, if not multiple times a day. It keeps the dream alive in my mind, and gives me something to focus my visions on.

Your Manifestation Journey Begins Today

By adding vision casting to your life, you've illuminated your dreams, painted a portrait of your ideal self, and crafted a vision that propels you forward. I'm incredibly proud of you and your commitment to creating a life you cherish.

Share your progress with me by posting a picture and tagging me on your IG story. Your journey is an inspiration, and your strides deserve recognition.

And don't forget, I believe in you, and you can manifest the life of your dreams!

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